
The Four C’s of happy workplaces.

Research conducted last year by Deloittes showed that 88% of employees believe a distinct corporate culture is important to a business’ success. The survey also found that 76% of these employees believed that a "clearly defined business strategy" helped create a positive culture.

Culture is what we called ‘The Big C” - it’s a big-picture concept that is made up of a number of subsets. These subsets are what we call ‘The Four C’s’ – see below for the breakdown of these…


1. Core Values

Humans define themselves and those around them by their sets of values. It’s the same with workplaces. Companies need to share their core values, so team members know the people they work with, and for, value the same things that they do. Unpacking core values as a team can be a really rewarding exercise.


2. Collaboration

Nothing makes you feel more like part of a team than being included. That you have been involved in decision-making in some way and being made to feel that your voice is heard. Open communication encourages people to interact with each other, to accept and act upon feedback, and social interactions are easier to enable.


3. Clarity

People with clear goals perform better! Measurable Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) make for healthy competition, helping to avoid negative feelings being held amongst team members. When goals are positively reinforced, and achievements are recognised, it leads to employees feeling valued, which then creates a positive feeling in the workplace.


4. Consciousness

A happy workplace is one where all employees are supported and encouraged to make progress regardless of gender, sexual orientation or race. All employees should have equal access to further training as well as perks and rewards.


With the Four C’s in place, team members feel visible and valued. They know they share common goals with others as well as with the organisation, are being treated fairly, and will help to create a happy, well-balanced work environment.

Need a hand putting together some core values? We can help you with that.

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